About Us
The Legal Assistance and Citizens’ Rights Initiative (LACRI) is a quasi-legal intervention and advocacy initiative, instituted to provide legal aid support instruments to people who are unable to gain equitable access to the complex Nigerian justice system as well as mediate for indigent citizens languishing in the Nigerian prisons who are unable to afford legal representation.
LACRI was originally established as the Legal Assistance and Prisoners’ Rights Initiative (LAPRI) in 2006 to combat the illegal incarceration of citizens in Nigerian prisons, raise awareness of the poor prisons condition, and highlight the suffering of Nigerians in detention or remand.
The primary focus of LACRI at foundation was to provide free legal services for needy citizens in incarceration. The services rendered by the initiative also include free legal advice; legal (pro bono) representation in court; assisting Prison services and Government agencies towards facilitating an effective rehabilitation of convicted inmates; and advocating for the speedy trial and release of inmates not convicted by the law court; among other services.
Following the expansion of the initiative from its LAPRI day, LACRI is also now engaged in advocating for the equitable enforcement of the universal human rights and the protection of the human rights of all citizens in Nigeria (irrespective of class in society).
The Team

Arinze Odiari
Executive Secretary

Odu Ebam
Volunteers Officer

Njeh Umoren
Program Officer

Oludare Osinoiki