Frequently Asked Questions

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What do i do if i am being harrassed by the Police?

Stay calm and in control of your emotions and self

Obey any demand made by the police personnel calmly and slowly..

As much as possible call the police personnel by his name as shown in his name tag

Refrain from escalating the tension by engaging in arguments and name dropping.

Politely request to be allowed access to their superior or team lead.

As soon as you have the chance, use your phone to call for your loved ones.

Don’t ever run or make moves to escape!

What is Bail?

There are three kinds of Bail

Administrative Bail– this is the kind of Bail given to a suspect by the investigating agency . This is usually after obtaining the answer offered by the suspect after being confronted with the allegation(s) against him. Example ,The police, EFCC etc.

Bail pending Trial– So soon after the completion of investigation, the agency responsible is expected to charge the matter to court (if they have the statutory right to do so).

In that event, the Defendant applies for bail , pending the conclusion of the trial.
The grant or refusal of the application is on the discretion of the court who exercises such discretion, judiciously and judicially.

Bail Pending Appeal– This is provided for in the Administration of criminal justice laws currently in force in FCT and other states.

This is when a defendant have been convicted and He or she decides to apply for bail pending the outcome of the Appeal against the conviction.

The same principle guiding the grant of Bail pending trial also serves as a Rudder blade in granting an application for Bail pending Appeal.


2nd Floor, (Ital Air Wing) 
77 Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, 
Lagos State. 
Mobile: 08098887754


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